To make a donation to the archives, please fill out this form. Please note that we only accept original primary source material related to Jewish life before the Holocaust, World War II, and Nazi Trials.
Documents, photographs, ID cards, and correspondence
The museum collects original documents, photographs, and other paper artifacts that provide insight into the Holocaust, Jewish Life before the Holocaust, and a post-war Europe.
Clothing and textiles
The museum collects garments and textiles worn or used during the Holocaust, including uniforms, patches, and other markings.
Oral Histories
The Museum has collected oral histories with Holocaust survivors for decades. We acquire personal interviews in both video and audio formats and offer opportunities for Los Angeles area survivors to be interviewed.
The museum accepts artwork created by Holocaust survivors that reflect their personal experiences. All artwork donations must undergo a review process.
Nazi Paraphernalia
The museum collects these artifacts on a case by case basis. We receive a large number of offers of donation for large scale Nazi flags, weapons, and medals and insignia, and therefore are only able to accept such items dependent on what is currently held in the museum’s collection, or the dimensions of the item.