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Download Free Educational Tools and Resources to prepare your students to visit the Museum or teach the Holocaust in your classroom.
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Teacher's Guides
The comprehensive, downloaded, common core curricula-aligned Teacher’s Guides give teachers the tools to teach the Holocaust to students through Holocaust survivor testimony and primary sources, using as examples student-created short films about the lives of Holocaust survivors.
The Story of Three Rings: A Memoir of Dana Schwartz
Tipping Scales: The Story of Lisa Jura
The Boy With Six Names: The Story of Jerry Weiser
Say I Love You: The Story of Betty Cohen
Encountering and Combating Antisemitism Teacher Guide
This Teacher Guide uses primary source materials and student worksheets to define and contextualize antisemitism before, during, and after Holocaust. It encourages students to analyze various primary sources (past and present) to help them develop the necessary tools to identify and understand continuous anti-Jewish tropes, allowing the ability to recognize and combat antisemitism. This is a project of the California Teachers Collaborative for Holocaust and Genocide Education, established by the JFCS Holocaust Center, with support from the Marin County Office of Education and the State of California.
Teaching the Holocaust with the Virtual Sobibor Camp Model
An innovative augmented reality application that focuses on primary sources from a Holocaust survivor of Sobibor. The Teacher Guide includes historical context to Holocaust history as well as resources to use with students regarding the history of the Sobibor escape, Thomas Blatt’s testimony, and the AR app developed by Holocaust Museum LA and Magnopus. This is a project of the California Teachers Collaborative for Holocaust and Genocide Education, established by the JFCS Holocaust Center, with support from the Marin County Office of Education and the State of California. Generously Sponsored by the The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles.
Beyond Survival: The Resilient Lives of Monica + Gitta in the Shanghai Ghetto Zine
Holocaust Museum LA, in collaboration with REALSOUL, presents an innovative Zine chronicling the early lives of twin Holocaust survivors Monika and Gitta. By utilizing a visually engaging and artistic approach to exploring complex historical topics, “Beyond Survival” provides a unique and non-traditional entry point into Holocaust history for students as young as 4th grade.
Making a Window Museum from Home
Holocaust Museum LA invites you to explore your own heritage and life story and create a window display that contains objects that represent you and your identity. Each and every member of the community has an important story to tell, just as the founding Survivors of Holocaust Museum LA did when they established the Museum in 1961. Instructions on how to create your own museum display window can be found below.
Teaching the Danish Rescue to Young Learners Teacher Guide
This guide is intended to engage your students as young as 4th grade and uses Lois Lowry’s novel Number the Stars, primary sources, first-hand survivor accounts, as well as images and stories from Judy Glickman Lauder’s Beyond the Shadows to showcase the story of the Danish rescue and resistance during the Holocaust. It encourages students to analyze various primary sources such as survivor testimony, artifacts, and photography, helping them develop tools to understanding this difficult history and the important, relevant lessons for today.
The Art of Erich Lichtblau-Leskly Art and Spiritual Resistance Teacher Guide
This comprehensive teacher guide uses artworks in Holocaust Museum LA’s collection to encourage critical thinking around art and primary sources, imploring students to contemplate the connection between history and contemporary social issues. Students will study how Erich Lichtblau-Leskly utilized art as a form of spiritual and intellectual resistance during the Holocaust.
Coloring History
Discover artifacts through coloring in Holocaust Museum LA’s collection coloring book. Each page includes an artifact with a brief description and reflective questions for students to consider as they draw. Share your finished designs with us using the hashtags: #holocaustmuseumla, #artsandarchives.
Preparing to Meet a Holocaust Survivor
Post-Tour and Post-Talk Reflection Questions
Recommended Books and Films
Survivor Testimonies and Films for your Classroom
4-6 Grade Art Lesson
7-12 Grade Art Lesson
Upcoming Teacher Trainings
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